The Exhibition Grounds are easily accessible by public transport, but you can also arrive by car and park in one of the three car parks.
Opening hours 8:00-17:00
Entrance via U Výstaviště street
Mon-Sun: 60 CZK/hour, each additional hour 60 CZK, all day 350 CZK
Outside opening hours free of charge
Loss of parking ticket 2000 CZK
Payable on the spot at the attendant, cash only.
In operation during events at the Exhibition Grounds
Entrance via Za Elektrárnou Street
Mon-Sun: 60 CZK/hour, each additional hour 60 CZK, all day 350 CZK
Loss of parking ticket 2000 CZK
Payable on the spot at the attendant, cash only.
Parking in the Exhibition Grounds
Opening hours non-stop
Entrance via Za Elektrárnou Street
Mon-Sun: 60 CZK/hour, each additional hour 60 CZK, all day 350 CZK
Loss of parking ticket 2000 CZK
Payable at the payment machines at the entrance to the swimming pool or at the car park.
- Refreshments will be provided in the outdoor area where you can sample from a wide range of street food.
- All-day refreshments included with purchased conference ticket